Sunday, December 17, 2006

I love LINK+

Do you use your library? Ever get frustrated because your library doesn't have a book you want to read? (No? Move on, my friend...). But if you understand what I'm talking about, check out whether or not your library has LINK+, or something like it. I'm often looking for psychological literature more geared for professionals. Of course, my little city library doesn't have it. But it has LINK+. Which is a linked network of hundreds of libraries you can borrow from, including university libraries which usually carry what I'm looking for.

Voila. In a few days I have the books I'm looking for and can read them before deciding if I want to purchase them for my professional library. It's a thing of beauty. I love libraries, and I LOVE LINK+.

*cross posted on Tales of a Psychomamma

1 comment:

Ellen said...

I used to use inter-library loan all the time when I was in college... I felt so devious requesting books for pleasure reading through this Very Academic Means, and then carting them home so I could fill my room with them.

You can definitely quote my haiku if you want. :)