Tuesday, November 28, 2006

2007 TBR Challenge

I've decided to join this 2007 TBR Challenge. You pick 12 books that have been on your "to be read" list for at least 6 months or so, and you just haven't gotten to them. You read one of these books per month in 2007, knocking 12 books off your list!!

So here's my 12:

Shantaram by Gregory Roberts
A Hole In the Universe by Mary McGarry Morris
An Unfinished Season by Ward Just
Deception by Denise Mina
The Plot Against America by Phillip Roth
The State Boys Rebellion by D'Antonio
Waxwings by Jonathan Raban
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
A Certain Chemistry
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
Lost in the Forest by Sue Miller
Shalimar the Clown by Salmon Rushdie

This will be a great challenge for me, because I make a long list, but tend to want to read the book I most recently put on the list. These are books I really wanted to read, but somehow have gotten overlooked for the more recent titles.

Join me, anyone?


LK said...

This is a great idea. Maybe I will do six. I'm a little bit coward abuot committing to 12. I am a slow reader, for one thing. And I'm one of those people who can't even plan menus -- I have to eat what I'm in the mood for. Same with books.

nessie said...

Isnt it crazy fun though. I feel so important telling my friends that my 2007 is booked. Sorry. ;)

I joined the challenge too. Like your like though it funny some of your selections I would love to have chosen and others would not get close to with a 10 foot poll. Will have to read the reviews. Alas ;)

Lisa said...

Yeah, Nessie, some of my selections scare even me, but I figure - "it's a challenge!" - so maybe that will inspire me to actually read them!

lazy cow said...

I really enjoyed both The History of Love, and The Unbearable lightness of being. Bought Shantaram this year (yet to read it), so I will be interested in your thoughts. Good luck with the challenge!

Literary Feline said...

I'm looking forward to reading what you think of several of the books on your list. I haven't read any of them, but a few are on my wish list.

Good luck with the challenge!